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The SEO Drewsletter: May 25, 2018

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Below is the official transcript and audio recording of The SEO Drewsletter, an Amazon Alexa Skill for the latest digital marketing trends and SEO news. To listen to The SEO Drewsletter on your Alexa device, simply enable The SEO Drewsletter, and ask Alexa: “What’s my flash briefing?”



What’s up, everyone?  Welcome to the latest addition of The SEO Drewsletter, your dedicated Alexa Skill for the latest SEO and digital marketing news. I’m Drew Marlier, your local SEO Skillionaire, and  this is The SEO Drewsletter for the week:


From Marketing Land:

60 Minutes segment: Google is a monopoly without question

Google was featured on 60 Minutes last weekend, and the program asks: “How Did Google Get So Big?” The answer the interviewees generally give is: by engaging in illegal manipulation of search results in an effort to defeat competitors and promote its own content.

You can check out the 60 MInutes segment on Google right here.

Google declined to be interviewed on camera, but he offers several prepared statements, including that the company “has many competitors including Amazon and Facebook [and that] it does not make changes to its algorithm to disadvantage competitors.


From Google & Search Engine Land:

Google Trends gets updated with new features and design elements

Google Trends updated this week with “new features, simpler navigation, and more ways to explore data and stories around one of the world’s biggest journalistic datasets.”

Here are the updates for Google Trends:


From Google:

Taking Action Against Scammers

Google announced this week that they are taking additional steps to take action against scammers, specifically companies that take advantage of small business owners.

Here are the steps they specifically noted on their blog post:


From Search Engine Roundtable:

Google Removed “Don’t Be Evil” From Code Of Conduct

A somewhat bigger policy change that’s got a lot of people talking this week is that Google has taken the motto “Don’t Be Evil” out of their code of conduct.

“Don’t Be Evil” was a motto that has been ingrained in Google since the early 2000s with Paul Buchheit, which earlier Googlers held onto tightly.

Now, instead of the code of conduct starting with the phrase, now it ends with “And remember… don’t be evil, and if you see something that you think isn’t right—speak up!”


Other digital marketing tidbits:



That wraps up The SEO Drewsletter for this week. If you’ve enjoyed this Alexa Skill, please leave a review—I’ll be happy to give a shoutout for any reviews that I get. Please also visit for the official transcript of The SEO Drewsletter, which will include all links to all stories and articles that were shared.

As always, thanks for listening, and we’ll Drew it again next week!




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